
September 11th, 2001 - History.com 
October 31st, 1517 - Happy Reformation Day! - National Geographic

Report Rubric

~ Ben's Guide to U.S. Government

~ Netstate - From Armadillos to Yellowhammers, facts about our 50 states


~ More State Info

~ Kid Info - Biographies of Famous People


~ All About Explorers


~ PBS - American Revolution


~ Don't just learn Civics...play Civics!


US Map Game Links...

US Map Game

U.S. Maps (by region)

History Essay (assigned March 2nd, due March 9th):
Several students left their handout for this important assignment.  Here are the directions.  Again, an easy A if you do the assignment and turn it in on time! 

Directions: Using your history textbook, notes, jeopardy game on the website, etc., write an essay explaining how some of the widespread ideas during the Great Awakening affected the American colonies and led to a desire for liberty and the War for Independence.  Include at least five important facts in your essay (do not just list the facts, this needs to be in paragraph form!).  This is a history grade for accuracy, and a language grade for writing skills.