
    2021-22 Supply List 

Extra Credit Opportunities:


Prayer Requests:

Please pray for the following folks. Remember, I keep it vague for security purposes, but God knows who you're talking about when you uplift them in prayer:    


Remember the sermon from Chapel: it is pride, stubbornness, self-righteousness, and rebellion that get in the way of a Christian being where he/she needs to be in order to receive God's blessings. Pray against these tempting task-masters and let the Holy Spirit fill you, letting you bear the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in our memory verse. May God grant you peace, today and always.


Cell Phones: Please remember, phones are to be left at home. We understand parents want their child to call them when they’re walking home from the bus-stop, so off and in backpacks during the school day is acceptable. If I see or hear it, I take it. If I see it again, it goes to the office and a parent/guardian needs to come get it. If it is seen a third time, it is kept secure in the office until the end of the school year. Please follow the rules!

Document borders from Kelly B. and graphics from Whimsy Clips