
Steps for Writing Fractions in Lowest Terms:
GCF: Greatest Common Factor

1. Make your Factor Tree
2. List Factors Least to Greatest
3. Circle the Common Factors in one List
4. Multiply the Common Factors to find your GCF
5. Divide the Numerator and Denominator by the GCF

Steps for finding Lowest Common Denominator:
LCM: Least Common Multiple

1. List your Multiples for both Denominators
2. Circle the lowest that is the same in both lists
3. This is the LCM, use it as your new Denominator
4. Figure out how you got from the original denominator to the LCM
5. Multiply both the denominator and numerator by that number
          Whatever you do to the bottom, you do to the top
6. Keep repeating steps until all fractions have the same denominator
7. Add or Subtract as applicable
8. Fix It!
       GCF for Lowest Terms
       Divide N by D for Improper Fractions
9. LOGIC CHECK - does your answer make sense!!!

Steps for Adding/Subtracting Fractions:
1. Convert a mixed number to an improper fraction
2. Make sure your denominators are the same - see above for directions
3. Solve by adding/subtracting as applicable
4. Fix it (lowest terms, if improper make mixed, etc.)
5. LOGIC CHECK - does your answer make sense!!!

If you don't have a mixed number, you can move from step one to step two.  If your denominators are the same, you can move on to step three.  Go step-by-step, for if you skip to solve immediately, you will get the wrong answer!!  Take your time and THINK!!!

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